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Other Class Info

Mr. Shane's Classroom Syllabus  

Welcome to Mr. Shane’s Math Class

Grading Policy

50% - Daily work

30% - Major work

20% - Spiral checks


Classroom Rules

1)  Follow instructions

2)  Be respectful

3)  Come prepared



If a student is not able to complete an assignment in class, it needs to be completed at home.  Most homework assignments will be done online at  All students will be given two school days from the day that the work was assigned to complete their homework.  I give two days so that students who have questions can come to class ready with their questions. After the second day, all work that has not been submitted goes down as a zero.


Late Work

Late work will not be accepted.  


Classroom Requirements

All notes, examples, and vocabulary are to be placed in the math spiral.  This, along with your calculator (if applicable) and math chart, must be brought to class each and every day.


Spiral Organization

Section 1 - Problem of the Day:  Write the problem exactly as you see it and place the date on each problem.  Draw a line in between each day.

Section 2 - Notes and Examples - This is where you will take notes, vocabulary, and do examples.  Underline or highlight the vocabulary words and make sure that everything is dated.

Section 3 - HELP - This is where you will write information pertaining to questions you have.  If you have a question about homework, write the assignment #, title, date, and question #. It would be helpful if you write what you know and what you are looking for.


Classroom Preparation

Coming prepared to class is imperative.  All students will need to bring two pencils, a eraser, math spiral, math chart, and a calculator (if applicable).  Make sure that you also have a book with you so that you will have something to do once you have completed your work.


If you finish early

1)  Read a book.  I do not have a class library so make sure that you have reading material before you come in.


2)  Work on homework for my class.  If that is done, you may work on another classes work with proper permission.

Cleaning the classroom

Each student is responsible for cleaning up his/her area.  During 7th period, the students will clean the entire classroom.  This includes cleaning the floors, dry erase boards, desks, taking out trash, and any other cleaning duties that may come up.


