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Toni Moore Staff Photo

Supply List/Wish List 


Fourth grade will be utilizing community supplies. We have provided links for you to use as guidance. You are NOT required to purchase from Amazon, or even the exact product. The below items will be taken up the first day of school, with the exception of the binder. If your child wants to have their own items, please provide the community supplies, and have your child keep their "special" items in the binder.

3 ring binder (2inches) as found on amazon → Click Here

24 #2 pencils

colored pencils (any size)

markers (12ct)

1pkg of multi-color highlighters


1- 1inch 3 ring binder white or clear only NO color ones.

2 glue bottles

1 pair scissors

2 boxes facial tissue

3 plastic folders with holes and pockets (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow)

→ Click Here for Example on Amazon

1 roll of paper towels (BOYS only)

1 container of disinfecting wipes (GIRLS ONLY)

1 container of Expo markers 4 count (low odor)

1 pkg wide rule notebook paper

6 composition (wide rule) notebooks

1 ream of white copy paper


Headphones → Click Here for Example on Amazon

***The headphones will stay in the classroom.

$10 Supply Fee for curriculum materials needed throughout school year.




Mrs. Toni’s Wish List


Treetops families,

If you are needing some co-op hours, here is my class wishlist. All of the items will be used in your child’s learning experience this year. If you purchase any items from my wish list, please bring the items in with the receipt and fill out your co-op form (every $10 that you spend counts as 1 co-op hour).


Cleaning supplies:

-Paper towels

-Clorox wipes


Classroom Supplies:

-Hand Sanitizer ( we want to stay well this year)


-Clear packing tape


-Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Certificate- I purchase a lot of our games, activities and lessons from this website.

-White copy paper


Thank you for any help you are able to give!


Mrs. Toni

